The Friday Fire Track: Jane Church – “Rocket To The Kremlin”

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Jane Church began as the solo recording project of Queens, NY-based artist Matt Stevenson in 2017. Joined live by seasoned musicians Ali Awan (lead guitar), Turner Stough (bass), and Peter Hilton Jr. (drums,) Jane Church now are finding a band approach to things and will have several releases out soon that includes today’s Fire Track for “Rocket To The Kremlin.” The track will be on a new 7″ in July from Greenway Records and a full length should follow in the fall.

“Rocket To The Kremlin” has a fantastic foot tapping beat as Jane Church follows a Warm Soda/Matthew Melton formula with Stevenson’s steady indie pop structure that is subtly fuzzed up. This fluid track is perfect for any Friday – Enjoy!

Jane Church Facebook
Greenway Records

Thomas Wilde
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