The intent of our Label Profile feature is to simply highlight a record label that we feel aligns with our own belief here at The Fire Note that music is an experience.
Today we profile Communicating Vessels. A huge thanks to founder Jeffrey Cain for taking the time to answer our questions. If you like what you hear below make sure to go over to the Communicating Vessels site HERE and give them your support!
TFN: Who are you? Where is the label located?
Cain: Jeffrey Cain founder of Communicating Vessels – Birmingham, Alabama
TFN: When and how did the label start? Where does the name come from?
Cain: The idea of starting Communicating Vessels had been with me for years and in 2011 it finally became a reality. The name comes from both a science experiment and a surrealist book written by Andre Breton.
The experiment deals with separate vessels connected by a tube and how they effect one another. The book deals with the passing back and forth between two modes … interior vision and exterior fact, the real and unreal. Communicating Vessels is home to a very diverse group of artist, musicians, and writers that have distinct individual visions but are connected by a common thread.
TFN: How big is your current active roster?
Cain: We have 10 artist recording music for CommVess right now. There are however many other records and art projects we are involved with in some way. It’s important for us to not only release music but to truly be able to give each artist the attention they deserve.
TFN: What does Communicating Vessels look for in a band? Is there a “Communicating Vessels” sound?
Cain: I love music that catches me off guard. There are artists you meet and you know that music has chosen them, they have no choice in the matter.
TFN: Top 3 Communicating Vessels releases?
Cain: I honestly won’t release any music that I don’t truly love…. So no one gets top billing.
TFN: How does vinyl fit into Communicating Vessels’s overall strategy?
Cain: A great song is a great song on any medium, but I truly believe that vinyl understands and conveys music in the deepest way. There is nothing more depressing than working on an album for months and months and it being reduced to a fucking mp3. There is something lost in translation, the work is devalued and the depth and subtlety is lost. When I began making records again with the intent of them being released on vinyl, the beauty was restored. I want people to have the chance to experience our art in it’s purest state …. Vinyl.
TFN: What is in the pipeline for the rest of 2013?
Cain: We have just released Man Or Astroman? and Duquette Johnston {Verbena}. This summer will be the debut of two incredible new hip hop artist from Alabama – The Green Seed and Shaheed & DJ Supreme.
TFN: Name an album (classic or new) that gets plenty of airplay at the office?
Cain: SAM FLAX. Thank you … jcain
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This must be the Jeffrey Cain of Remy Zero. I’ve been wondering what he’s up to. Always nice to hear about great musicians putting out the music that they love. Looking forward to checking out some of these releases.