TFN New Music Spotlight: Sinai Vessel – “Dark Places”

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Sinai Vessel began as a one-man project for singer/guitarist Caleb Cordes before ultimately becoming the fully-realized, collaborative group that produced the new full length debut, Brokenlegged. The album is out January 27th on Tiny Engines, and was recorded in its entirety twice.

After writing, arranging, and completing the material for the LP all through 2014 and early 2015, the band finally recorded the album with a veteran producer. But ultimately something was still missing and the band decided to begin again, with a clearer sense of purpose. This time the band stayed in North Carolina, recording with David Wimbish, who helmed their previous EP Profanity.

Sinai Vessel have made exactly the record they wanted to make, and your exposure to their sound can be found below on the new single “Ramekin.”

Sinai Vessel Website
Sinai Vessel Facebook
Tiny Engines Records

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