Bandcamp Artists: Discover, Support, Share – Volume 2 (July 2013)

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bandcampHere at The Fire Note we believe in the little guy. The indie mom and pop record stores, the indie record labels being run from basements, and the undiscovered bands all over the world making better music than their influences.

This feature is for the little guys. Most of the artists listed here have records available and they all have bandcamp pages you can check out. Some of these bands may have been picked up by a small label but still deserve and need your support!

Below is our July Bandcamp installment featuring artists that deserve your ear. Once again they are in no particular order and you can click on the image to land on their Bandcamp page. Discover, Support & Share!
-Feature by Christopher Tahy, Scot Lade, Simon Workman, Christopher Anthony & Kevin Poindexter

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4 thoughts on “Bandcamp Artists: Discover, Support, Share – Volume 2 (July 2013)”

  1. Love that Rare High. Dean Wells is always good for a hook and some fuzz. He has a LP out now for Rare High. 3 EPs and an LP. The guy stays busy!

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