The Fire Note Weekly Top 10: Foo Fighters Deep Cuts

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top 10 foo fighters
Dave Grohl turned 45 on Tuesday and we thought we would throw our own birthday party to celebrate! Below you find our top 10 deep cuts from the Foo’s catalog. Happy Birthday Mr. Grohl!


echoes“But, Honestly”
Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace
RCA Records [2007]

This track is second to last on Echoes and its slow grind falls in line with the entire vibe of the record but what makes it special is how the last 1:20 just takes off and rocks out!


in-your-honor “Another Round”
In Your Honor
RCA Records [2005]

In Your Honor was a long record but each record had a theme; one rock and one acoustic. “Another Round” falls on the acoustic record and it just shows another side to Grohl’s voice as he pours all of his emotion into this track. I also dig how out of nowhere the guys throw in a little harmonica which is just different from much of their other material.


Skin And Bones
RCA Records [2006]

Here is a track that has the notable distinction of being the only song released by both Nirvana and the Foo Fighters. Overall, the live record Skin and Bones was just ok for me but this version of “Marigold” does it full justice with its arrangement and setting.


There Is Nothing Left To Lose
RCA Records [1999]

Tons of singles were released off of this album and it represented their first Grammy. It also was the first appearance of drummer Taylor Hawkins. With a little softer side and all of the other stuff going on you needed to close the album out with the sprawling “M.I.A.” which I thought was a solid ending to the record.


In Your Honor
RCA Records [2005]

“Hell” is the shortest song on the double album at 1:57. It shows off Grohl’s controlled howl and it is just a big short rowdy song among all the big tunes that surrounded it.


Foo_fighters_big_me“Gas Chamber”
Big Me [Single]
RCA Records [1996]

The Foo Fighters and Dave have always had some punk roots. That should not be a surprise and this 55 second cover of Angry Samoans “Gas Chamber” tears it up. It is a track that may surprise some Foo Fighters fans but it makes me smile every time I hear it.


colour“My Poor Brain”
The Colour And The Shape
RCA Records [1997]

This song is almost a template for future Foo tracks with its soft vocal up front and springboard launch attack when Grohl sings “this is a black out.” It is a really big guitar track but still possesses those refined moments which the Foo Fighters are so good at pulling off.


foo-fighters“Good Grief”
Foo Fighters
RCA Records [1995]

The Foo’s debut was just good. It has real grit and clearly was not overproduced. “Good Grief” has a nice consistent rock groove and then has its moments where everything just goes nuts. It is just a solid rock n roll song.


wasting“White Limo”
Wasting Light
RCA Records [2011]

I was so glad to hear the full on rock assault of Wasting Light. “White Limo” helps drive this fueled record with its distorted screams and scorching pace.


Promo EP
RCA Records [1995]

I always wished this song was included on the Foo Fighters debut. It is a track that pre-dates the Foo Fighters and was originally released under a previous group by Grohl named Late!. The song is excellent and set the light bright for this group early on.

-Feature by Christopher Anthony

Christopher Anthony
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6 thoughts on “The Fire Note Weekly Top 10: Foo Fighters Deep Cuts”

  1. You’re making me want to dust off the old Foo Fighters records. I personally think the debut was his best but hey, it’s all good. I go back all the way to Dave’s time in DC hardcore band Scream (who my band opened for a few times) and I still prefer him behind the kit. But like I said, it’s all good.

  2. “…“Good Grief” has a nice consistent rock groove and then has its moments where everyone just goes nuts” By “everyone”, you mean just Dave Grohl, right?

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