Video Premiere: Cricketbows – “Ohio Valley Springtime”

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TFN is excited today to participate in the Cricketbows roll out of their new record, Raised On Rock And Roll, which is officially out on April 20, 2021. The newest video single from the album is today’s premiere with “Ohio Valley Springtime.” The Dayton, Ohio band is a throwback to the days when classic rock ruled the airwaves as Cricketbows easily could fit right into a playlist with Pink Floyd, Eagles, Creedence, Fleetwood Mac, and Faces.

The featured premiere today, “Ohio Valley Springtime,” slows things down a bit for the group and if you were seeing Cricketbows live would be the ballad you pull the lighter out for! It has a great mellow flow and possibly has one of the best lines from the album when the band sings “and the weeds grow as high as you feel.” Written in Dayton, Ohio, and recorded in Dayton, Kentucky, with Mike Montgomery (R. Ring, The Breeders, Buffalo Killers), Raised On Rock And Roll shows that there is still plenty of room at the inn for a classic rock sound in this modern era.

Before you leave make sure you check out the second song released today by the band with “Kentucky Mountain Lady.” If you like what you hear make sure to head on over to Cricketbows Bandcamp page and pre-order the album today!

Cricketbows Bandcamp
Cricketbows Facebook

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