The Thermals: We Disappear [Album Review]

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thermals-we-disappear The Thermals
We Disappear
Saddle Creek Records [2016]


Fire Drill Album Review: After several cleaner and more reserved sounding records, The Thermals returned to the earlier fiery pop punk of their roots with the group’s 2013 Saddle Creek debut Desperate Ground. We Disappear keeps this same likable style in play which includes plenty of youthful vigor. What you will hear on We Disappear, is more personal reflection than before and lyrically it feels deeper. The content never gets in the way of how The Thermals can still explode in their songs but maybe doesn’t allow the listener as much lead way to have fun. It is a balance that works nicely most of the way through and once again shows The Thermals have matured on their seventh full length outing. We Disappear proves that The Thermals are relevant today and overall it is a record that all fans should enjoy.

The Thermals Website
The Thermals Facebook
Saddle Creek Records

– Reviewed by Christopher Anthony

Christopher Anthony

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